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Amityville Soccer Club

Amityville Soccer Club

Tryout Location:

Amityville, NY, USA

Boy's Age Groups:

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BU8 - BU19, Intramurals

Girl's Age Groups:

GU7-GU19, Intramurals

Amityville Soccer Club

At the Amityville Soccer Club, professional trainers are available to teams upon request from the coach. These trainers are paid and work to instruct players and volunteer coaches in both basic and advanced soccer skills and tactics.

Helpful Soccer Tip

Being physical is an important aspect of success in soccer, as it allows players to assert their dominance on the field and win key battles for the ball. Physicality also plays a crucial role in defense, as players must be able to effectively challenge opponents and disrupt their attacking rhythm.

What to Bring to Soccer Tryouts

  • A properly inflated soccer ball to participate in drills and exercises.

  • Appropriate soccer attire, including cleats, shin guards, and comfortable clothing.

  • A water bottle to stay hydrated during the tryout session.

  • A positive attitude and strong work ethic, ready to showcase their skills and demonstrate their passion for the sport.

  • Any necessary medical equipment, such as an asthma inhaler, if applicable.

  • Proof of age or residency, if required by the tryout rules.

  • A willingness to learn, improve, and collaborate with their teammates and coaches, showcasing their teamwork and sportsmanship skills.

Amityville Soccer Club


Long Island Soccer Tryouts Blog

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